Evergreen Cemetery Association - News Articles From The 1800s

This is a collection of articles from early Brainerd newspapers about the formation and early operations of Evergreen Cemetery in the 1800s. Verbatim (misspellings intact) transcriptions by Ann M. Nelson.

Brainerd Tribune 20 Apr. 1872 - Opinion: Brainerd doesn't want a cemetary[sic]
Brainerd Tribune 02 Aug. 1873 - Formation of the "first" Evergreen Cemetary[sic] Association
Brainerd Tribune 23 May 1874 - Cemetery[sic] regulation is non-existant
Brainerd Tribune 25 Sep. 1875 - Evergreen Cemetery map in Capt. Sleeper's office
Brainerd Tribune 17 June 1876 - Notice of meeting for election of trustees of the Association
Brainerd Tribune 12 May 1877 - Campbell burial: a sad commentary on our cemetery's condition
Brainerd Tribune 19 May 1877 - Notice of lot owners meeting for annual election of trustees
Brainerd Tribune 26 May 1877 - Nobody showed up at lot owners meeting
Brainerd Tribune 19 Apr. 1879 - Cemetery in shocking condition
Brainerd Tribune 26 Apr. 1879 - Cemetery meeting announcement
Brainerd Tribune 26 Apr. 1879 - Mr. Schwartz responds / Fire at cemetery
Brainerd Tribune 17 May 1879 - Organizational meeting of new Association
Brainerd Tribune 24 May 1879 - First meeting of the Association
Brainerd Tribune 31 May 1879 - Establishing plat and lot prices
Brainerd Tribune 07 June 1879 - Announcement of rescheduled Association meeting
Brainerd Tribune 14 June 1879 - List of interments and auction of lots
Brainerd Tribune 19 July 1879 - Deeds now being issued, grounds improvements underway
Brainerd Tribune 18 Oct. 1879 - Call for bids to removes trees, brush, stumps, etc.
Brainerd Tribune 24 Apr. 1880 - The Association will spend a lot of money to beautify the grounds
Brainerd Tribune 08 May 1880 - Avenues and alleys cleared, misplaced graves discovered
Brainerd Tribune 23 Apr. 1881 - Notice of annual meeting
Brainerd Dispatch 08 May 1884 - Request for list of veterans buried at Evergreen
Brainerd Dispatch 30 Apr. 1886 - Request for list of veterans buried at Evergreen
Brainerd Dispatch 13 May 1887 - Petition to extend water mains to corner of Evergreen cemetery
Brainerd Dispatch 03 June 1887 - Campbell infant, buried ten years ago, shipped to St. Paul
Brainerd Dispatch 10 June 1887 - County resolution to purchase remaining lots in block 2
Brainerd Dispatch 19 Aug. 1887 - Offer to sell remaining lots in block 2 with a $50 discount accepted
Brainerd Tribune   09 June 1888 - Plea by Tresurer for help in resolving confusing records
Brainerd Tribune   08 June 1889 - Annual meeting & possible fencing and visitors building>
Brainerd Dispatch 01 Nov. 1889 - C.N. Peterson installing many of his customers' monuments
Brainerd Dispatch 16 May 1890 - Annual meeting report of expenses
Brainerd Dispatch 22 May 1891 - Election of officers, setting lot care fees
Brainerd Dispatch 19 Aug. 1892 - Erection of a building for the accommodation of the public
Brainerd Dispatch 10 May 1895 - Election of officers, county burial charges
Brainerd Tribune   07 May 1898 - Annual meeting & election of officers
Brainerd Dispatch 28 Apr. 1899 - Supplying the cemetery with sufficient water for use at the grounds
Brainerd Dispatch 19 May 1899 - City council votes $50 to assist with the water supply
Brainerd Dispatch 12 Oct. 1900 - Marble headstones received for soldiers graves
Brainerd Dispatch 10 May 1901 - Annual meeting, 20x20 lots in new blocks, leveling graves
Brainerd Dispatch 31 May 1901 - Decoration Day ceremonies, G.A.R Honor Roll
Brnd. Daily Disp.  09 Dec 1902 - New Receiving Vault RulesNew!
Brnd. Daily Disp.  17 Apr 1903 - Bodies in Vault To Be Interred Commencing Monday, April 20thNew!
Brnd. Daily Disp.  11 May 1907 - Donation of two lots for use of Pap Thomas Post, G. A. R.
Brnd. Daily Disp.  21 Apr. 1922 - Changes in Perpetual Care policy and fees

Brainerd Tribune, 20 Apr. 1872, P1 C5

SOME of our sister towns have the cemetary fever, which is akin to the yellow (gold) fever. Duluth, Wells, and other towns are wild to become possessors of a cemetary. Brainerd has no cemetary, either, and we don't want a cemetary—a man couldn't sell us a cemetary at any price.

Brainerd Tribune, 02 Aug 1873, P1 C5

CEMETARY ASSOCIATION.—On Thursday evening several of our citizens met at the office of Sleeper & Holland for the purpose of forming an association under the corporate title of the “Evergreen Cemetary Association,” and organized, in a due and lawful manner, by election the following Board of Trustees:

For three years—W. H. Tull, E. L. Strauss.

For two years—L. M. Ford, L. B. Perry.

For one year—C. B. Sleeper, J. G. Todd.

The Association starts out under the most favorable auspices, was an insti­tution very much needed, and we shall be pleased to note its progress.

Brainerd Tribune, 23 May 1874, P1 C6

WHERE IS IT?—We hear a great complaint that there is no regulation whereby, if any one dies in this com­munity, the remains may be interred in our cemetary without a deal of trouble to find any one who knows anything about how or where in the cemetary to go about it. An Association was formed a year ago, Mr. Canfield deeded them the ground, it has since been fenced up and surveyed off, we understand, by Mr. Canfield or his agent, but yet the Association seems to be a dead insti­tution. We hope they will wake up, and have some regulation about this cemetary business. Their indolence heretofore may be partially excused, however, because of the very few deaths which occur in this section. But still, we hope the Cemetary Association will wake up!

P. S.—It is barely possible we, ourself, may be a member of the above Association; if so, we take back any seemingly harsh words in the above item.

Brainerd Tribune, 25 Sep 1875, P4 C1

... We happened into Capt. Sleeper's office the other day ... On the wall to the left there hung a map of "Evergreen Cemetery," which is one of the institutions of Brainerd. There it was, all laid off in blocks and lots, with beautiful walks, parks, etc. ...

Brainerd Tribune, 17 Jun 1876, P1 C7

NOTICE is hereby given, that an election of trustees of the Brainerd Evergreen Cemetery Association, to fill vacancies, will be held at the office of C. B. Sleeper, Tuesday evening, June 27th, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Trustees.

[NOTE: There was no followup article about the meeting.]

Brainerd Tribune, 12 May 1877, P4 C2


CAMPBELL.—On Thursday morning last, in this city, May, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Campbell, aged about one year. The funeral services were held this morning at the residence of Mr. Campbell, Rev. C. A. Conant officiating, and the remains of the departed, much loved little cherub were buried in their garden near the house. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in their hour of trial.

Brainerd Tribune, 12 May 1877, P4 C1

We trust that we shall be pardoned for remarking that the fact that Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Campbell were compelled to lie their little daughter to rest in their own yard to secure a respectable burial, is rather a sad commentary upon the condition and management of our ceme­tery, which might easily be made one of the prettiest little spots about our city.

(See 03 June 1887 article, below)

Brainerd Tribune, 19 May 1877, P4 C1

WE direct attention to the call elsewhere for a meeting of the lot owners and others interested in Evergreen Cemetery, to elect a board of trustees. This call gives evidence of the fact that the recent remarks of the TRIBUNE upon this subject are bearing fruit, and we now trust that something will be done towards protecting and beautifying the grounds, and that speedily.

Brainerd Tribune, 19 May 1877, P4 C2

Annual Election of Trustees of
Evergreen Cemetery Notice
to Lot Owners.

All persons owning lots or having any interest in lots in Evergreen Cemetery are requested to meet at the office of C. B. Sleeper, Brainerd, on Friday evening at seven o'clock sharp, May 25th, 1877, for the purpose of electing trustees to fill vacancies. Other business of importance will come before this meeting.

Parties having relatives or friends interred in this cemetery are requested to be present.

                            BY ORDER TRUSTEES.

May 17th, 1877.

Brainerd Tribune, 26 May 1877, P4 C2

CEMETERY MEETING.—Last evening, at C. B. Sleeper's law office, at seven o'clock sharp, were the time and place for a meeting of lot owners and others interested in Evergreen Cemetery, for the election of trustees, but, contrary to our expectations, not a soul appeared, from which we are to conclude that our citizens are perfectly indifferent to the miserable condition of the resting place of their friends who have passed away. We very much dislike to be continually raking this matter up, and we did hope and expect when that meeting was called that something was going to be done ; but we were sadly disappointed, and presume that the matter will again relapse into a blissful forgetfulness unless we continue to parade its phantom before our readers. For shame.

Brainerd Tribune, 19 Apr. 1879, P1 C2

Evergreen Cemetery is reported in a shocking condition and should, in the name of decency if not of humanity, receive some attention from the citizens if not from the trustees. A large portion of the fence has been torn away and destroyed; a road to the brick yard has been located through it over graves and against palings in the most heartless sacrilegious manner imaginable, defacing and obliterating lines, marks and mounds with a brutal indifference. Why in the name of all reason is a public thoroughfare permitted to be opened through the resting place of the dead? We will venture the assertion that these despoilers would not thus deface the burying place of their own children; parents or friends, and why should they be permitted to intrude upon others?

Brainerd Tribune, 26 Apr. 1879, P1 C4

Cemetery Meeting.

A public meeting of the citizens of Brainerd, interested in the Evergreen Cemetery is hereby called to meet at my office on Tuesday evening May 13th 1879 at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of electing trustees and transacting any other business that may properly come before the meeting.

One of the Trustees.  

Brainerd, April 26th, 1879.  

Brainerd Tribune, 26 Apr. 1879, P1 C2

Mr. Wm. Schwartz gave us a call this week to say, with reference to the article appearing in the Tribune last week, that his teams in crossing the cemetery grounds do not pass over any graves or against any palings, but keep the avenue the entire distance, which he claims they have a right to do, though he says other teams do travel promiscously over the grounds defacing and mutilating the graves, palings, etc., as stated by the Tribune last week. The Tribune did not state, because it did not know, what teams were doing the damage, nor did it care. It was enough that it was being done, and that a public road was being located across the grounds, which we insist should be stopped short. We also insist that Mr. Schwartz is in error when he claims the right to use the cemetery avenue as a public thoroughfare, which will be made apparent if an orgrnization is ever perfected. Mr. Schwartz also informed us that the fire which raged with such destructive fury in that vicinity on Sunday last destroying the fence, palings, headstones, etc., was set by a lot of boys who were seen in the act by Mrs. Weist, his partner's wife, and we are informed that an effort will be made to identify the young villains and mete out to them the punishment they so richly deserve. The fire referred to, in addition to the destruction of the cemetery property, came very near consuming the buildings, machinery, wood and outfit of Mr. Schwartz's brick yard, and did burn two or three cords of wood. A clean sweep of everything was only prevented by the most arduous efforts of Mr. Schwartz and his entire crew who fought fire continually from Sunday night until Tuesday morning without sleep, rest or cessation. The Tribune article of last week is, however, we are pleased to observe, having the wholesome effect to awaken an interest in this sadly neglected subject—our cemetery—which has resulted in the call for a public meeting appearing elsewhere in this issue, the object of which is to elect a board of trustees and otherwise perfect an organization which can sell and give title to lots, and thus create a fund for the improvement and protection of the grounds. We hope the attendance will be large and that the effort will not meet the fate of its several predecessors, that of a fizzle.

Brainerd Tribune, 17 May 1879, P1 C1

Evergreen Cemetery Association.

Pursuant to the call in the Tribune a large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens convened on Tuesday evening last at Capt. Sleeper's office, for the purpose of organizing a cemetery association, and after some preliminary inquiries and examination of the law the meeting came to order by electing Capt. Sleeper, chairman, and W. W. Hartley, secretary. The association was next named the Evergreen Cemetery Association, and the number of trustees fixed at nine, when the election ensued, resulting in the selection of the following named gentlemen, who were divided by lot into three classes by the chairman and secretary, pursuant to law, as follows : Trustees—for three years, W. P. Spalding, Thos. Bason, and J. R. Pegg ; for two years—T. J. Delamere, Dr. A. S. Campbell, and L. P. White, and for one year—C. F. Kindred, Rev. Herbert Root, and W. W. Hartley.

It was then determined that the trustees be elected hereafter and vacancies filled by lot owners only, and that the annual meeting of lot owners for the election of trustees and other business be held hereafter on the first Tuesday in May in each year.

The certificate of the election required by law has since been recorded in the registry of deeds, and the trustees will hold their first meeting in the county auditor's office, second story of the railroad office building, this evening at 8 o'clock.

Brainerd Tribune, 24 May 1879, P1 C3

Evergreen Cemetery.

The first meeting of the trustees of Evergreen Cemetery Association con­vened at the county auditor's office on Saturday evening last, as announced in these columns last week, at which the following were present : Rev. Herbert Root, Capt. W. P. Spalding, C. F. Kindred, L. P. White, Thomas Bason, J. R. Pegg, Dr. A. S. Campbell and W. W. Hartley, T. J. Delamere being absent. The meeting effected a temporary organization by electing Capt. Spalding Chairman and Dr. Campbell secretary, whereupon the following officers were elected and took their seats for the ensuing year : President, Lyman P. White ; Secretary, Dr. A. S. Campbell ; Treasurer, Rev. Herbert Root, and Actuary, Thos. Bason. The following committees were then appointed :

To perfect title to cemetery grounds, president L. P. White.

To draft schedule of prices of lots, president L. P. White, C. F. Kindred, and treasurer H. Root.

To collect data of all burials at present in the grounds, actuary Thos. Bason.

To draft by laws, W. W. Hartley, Capt. W. P. Spalding, and secretary A. S. Campbell.

To stake out grounds, president L. P. White.

To ascertain and report cost of wire fence for grounds, C. F. Kindred and actuary Thos. Bason.

N. L. Heath was then appointed sexton during the pleasure of the board, whereupon the board adjourned to meet at the same place on Tuesday evening next, the 27th inst , at 8 o'clock p. m.

Brainerd Tribune, 31 May 1879, P1 C2

Evergreen Cemetery.

Pursuant to adjournment the Ever­green Cemetery Association met on Tuesday evening last at the county auditor's office ; present : L. P. White, Dr. A. S. Campbell, Rev. H. Root, Thos. Bason, C. F. Kindred, Capt. W. P. Spalding, and W. W. Hartley trustees. The committee on approval of lots reported a scale which was approved and adopted by the board, as given below. The other committees—on title, by laws, staking out grounds—were continued, and C. F. Kindred was appointed committee to have three copies of plat of cemetery drafted—one for record in registery of deeds, another for use of the board, and a third for use of sexton. It was next, on motion, resolved, that no lots be sold, except for immediate use, until after next meeting, when avenues will be cleared and lots staked out, enabling purchasers to know where and what they are buying. The fence committee then reported 212 rods of fencing required, for which three wires would cost $82.68, and, on motion, wire fencing was adopted and the president authorized to have same constructed forthwith, with posts one rod apart and three wires, and strong double gate and turnstile at the entrance on Cypress avenue. The meeting adjourned until Tuesday evening next, June 3rd, at the same place.

The following is the scale of prices of lots referred to above, as adopted by the board :

Blocks 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8.—All lots, $10. each.

Block 4.—Lots on Central Park, $10. each ; on Summit, Cypress and River aves., and adjacent to Park lots, $8. ; on N. Park ave., $6. ; adjacent to ave. lots, $4. ; all other lots $2. each.

Block 6.—Lots on Central Park, $10. ; adjacent to Park lots, $6. ; on Myrtle, S. Park, E. Park, and eastern aves., $5. ; all other lots $4. each.

Block 7.—Lots on Central and Cy­press Parks, $10. ; on Summit, Myrtle, S. Park and Cypress aves., and ad­jacent to Park lots, $8. ; all other lots $5. each.

Block 9.—Lots on Cypress Park, $10. ; on Summit ave., $6. ; on W. Park and River aves., $4. ; all other lots $3. each.

Block 10.—Lots on Cypress Park, $10. ; on Cypress ave. and adjacent to Park lots, $8. ; all other lots $3. each.

Block 11.—Lots on Cypress ave., $5. ; on Myrtle and Summit aves., $4. ; all other lots $3. each.

Block 12.—Lots on Summit and Myrtle aves., $5. ; on Eastern and Border aves., $4. ; all other lots $2. each.

Block 13.—Lots on Summit ave., $3. ; all other lots $2. each.

Block 14.—For charitable purposes, all interments free.

Brainerd Tribune, 07 June 1879, P4 C1

A meeting of the Evergreen Cemetery Association takes place at the county Auditor's office this evening; no meeting being held on Tuesday evening owing to absence of some of the trustees.

Brainerd Tribune, 14 June 1879, P4 C2

Evergreen Cemetery.

A special session of the Cemetery Association convened on Saturday evening last, June 7th, for the purpose of hearing and disposing of reports of committees and completing arrange­ments for selling lots.

The committee on by-laws reported by presenting a code which, on motion, was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes, and the secretary was instructed to have 300 copies printed in pamphlet form.

The actuary (appointed a committee to collect data of interments,) then reported a list as nearly complete as could be obtained, giving the names, age and date of burial. The following are the names appearing on the list of interments:

Wallace A. Page.John Johnson.
Jamas Pike.Emily Beane.
Wallace B. Vinton.Paul Johnson.
Martha Peterson.Peter Peterson.
Hilma Wick.Mary H. Ywomela.
Isaac Congdon.Mary Cook.
Catherine Hartley.Mary J. Ford.
John Anderson.Emma Wakelee.
Martin Zimper.Zebular Holbrook.
Infant daughter of Mat-
Jane Spalding.
   tie Lee.Mary Yewgart.
Sarah L. Costello.Thos. Alfred Bason.
Edward Lee Lewis.Mrs. Durgin.
Frederick Iaichner.John Call.
Edward Paine.Mr. Ligneau.
Gilbert Oleson.Mr. Hopkins.
Madeline Aitken.Mrs. Matson.
Pa-quaim-ge.Dr. J. C. Burns.
Betzy Hagberg.Mr. Sutton.
Matthias Pickariaume.Mrs. Fouch.
Mary Jane Jenner.Mrs. Shupe.
M. Peterson.Mr. Peterson.
Martin Buir.J. M. White.
Henry P. French.Sidney Sawyer.
Andrew Ywomela.Mrs. Coffee.
Albert P. Knight.Mrs. Colson.
Alice Tomkins.Mrs. McArthur.
Caroline Wick.

The following are parents of the infant children who have been interred in the grounds but whose Christian names, (if they had any,) have not been obtained:

J. W. WhiteMr. Elwell.
J. A. Jackson.Patrick Carney.
Henry Schmettz.L. McPherson.
John McCarty.Mr. Knowland.
Luke Flood.F. X. Goulet.
Benjamm Askins.John Murphy.
J. McNaughton.Mrs. Peterson.
George Smith.Mr. Tilquist.

The following standing committees were then appointed under the by-laws adopted:

On accounts—L. P. White, W. W. Hartley, and Dr. A. S. Campbell.

On grounds—Capt. W. P. Spalding, Rev. Herbert Root, and C. F. Kindred.

It was then, on motion,

Resolved, That all unoccupied lots in the cemetery be offered for sale at public auction, under the direction of the president and treasurer, on Tuesday afternoon, the 17th inst., at the hour of two o'clock p. m., at the cemetery grounds, the schedule price fixed by the association to be the upset price at such sale, the object being to equitably distribute the choice of lots. The secretary was instructed to have bills printed advertising such sale, and notice thereof given through the Brainerd Tribune. (See notice in another column). After instructing the Secretary to procure 200 blank deeds, the Board adjourned.

Brainerd Tribune, 19 July 1879, P4 C3

At a meeting of the Evergreen Cemetery Association held last evening, final arrangements were perfected for issuing deeds for lots to purchasers and several were executed on the spot, placing in the treasury, in all, the sum of $81.50. Parties desiring deeds of their lots are now requested to step up, pay the price to Rev. Herbert Root the treasurer, and receive their documents; and as the Association has already been to considerable expense in improving and fencing the grounds, and desire still farther to carry on the work of embellishment, until the Cemetery is placed in a respectable condition, it is hoped purchasers will be prompt.

Brainerd Tribune, 18 Oct. 1879, P4 C1&2

Don't overlook the call in another column for bids for the job of clearing up and improving Evergreen Cemetery. Contractors should give this attention.


Will be received at the office of C. F. Kindred, Esq., until THURSDAY NOON, OCT. 23RD. 1879, for the following work to be done at Evergreen Cemetery, Brainerd, Minn.:

To remove from all avenues and alleys of the Cemetery all trees, brush and stumps by the roots, and burn the same, and to remove from all the burial lots all dead trees, stumps and rubbish.

} Com. of Ever-
green Ceme-
tery Assoc'n.

Brainerd Tribune, 24 Apr. 1880, P4 C1

The Evergreen Cemetery Association intend to lay out quite a large amount of money in beautifying the grounds this Spring. It is a charming locality and deserves to be improved.

Brainerd Tribune, 08 May 1880, P5 C2

Since the avenues and alleys of Evergreen Cemetery have been cleared out and the lots and blocks located and staked out, it has been found that several graves were misplaced. Among others the remains of Emma Wakelee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wakelee, were found to be off their lot, and accordingly Mr. Wakelee had them removed on yesterday to the family block and laid beside her uncle, S. K. Swain. This is a proper movement and should be followed promptly by the friends of others deceased, some of whom are even in the principal avenues.

Brainerd Tribune, 23 Apr. 1881, P1 C3

Evergreen Cemetery.

This is to give notice that the annual meeting of the proprietors of the Evergreen Cemetery of Brainerd will be holden on the third day of May next, at C. B. Sleeper's office, in Brainerd, at 8 o'clock P.M., for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting.

LYMAN P. WHITE,       
President and Sec'y.

Brainerd Dispatch, 08 May 1884, P3 C3


Will every person having relations or friends buried in the cemetery at Brainerd who were soldiers in the rebellion, please send their name, the number of their company and regiment, and if possible the date of death and number of lot and block in cemetery, to the undersigned, AT ONCE. We wish the record for decoration purposes, it having been determined to observe decoration May 30, at Brainerd.

A. E. VEON,   
No. 19, Fifth Street.

Brainerd Dispatch, 30 Apr. 1886, P3 C5

G. A. R.

The following are the names of all old soldiers that the post has any knowledge of in the cemetery at this place. We request any person who may know of any one not in this list that is buried in Evergreen Cemetery to notify the under­signed, or Mr. B. W. Fish, at the earliest possible moment, as we do not wish to miss decorating any old soldier's grave on Memorial Day:

D. Shockley.

D. Shaunahan.

Alva Sutton.

J. O. Phillips.

J. E. Cheney,

J. Conant.

Wm. Deane.

Dr. Burns.

Ed. R. French.

R. Avery.

N. L. Heath.

Henry Dressen.

Geo. Whitney.


Let every one consider this matter and report at once if you know of others.


Brainerd Dispatch, 13 May 1887, P4 C4

Local News.

A petition will be presented to the city council at their meeting next Monday evening asking the city to extend the water main to the corner of Evergreen cemetery. This is a proposition that almost every citizen will approve of, and we hope the council will consider the petition in a favorable light. It is absolutely necessary to have water on the grounds in order to keep them in such a manner as those having friends buried there would desire.
[NOTE: There was no mention of this petition in the next week's Dispatch.]

Brainerd Dispatch, 03 June 1887, P4 C3

Local News.

The remains of an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Campbell, formerly residents of this city, which had been buried some ten years ago in this city was taken up and shipped to St. Paul by Losey & Dean on Thursday.

(See 12 May 1877 article, above)

Brainerd Dispatch, 10 June 1887, P1 C6

The County Commissioners

. . .

Resolved, That Crow Wing county purchase all the vacant lots in block two in the cemetery grounds at $5 per lot, one-half to be paid by this board when the deed is properly executed and delivered, and balance during year 1888.

Brainerd Dispatch, 19 Aug. 1887, P4 C5

Proceedings of the Board of County
Commissioners at a Special Meet-
ing Held Aug. 15th, 1887.

. . .

Mr. L. P. White, president, and A. E. Veon, treasurer, of the Evergreen Cemetery Association, met with the board and offered to reduce the aggregate price of vacant lots in Evergreen Cemetery, Block 2, by $50 in consideration of the cash amount being paid, and on motion properly carried their proposition was accepted.

Brainerd Tribune, 09 June 1888, P8 C5

Interesting to Lot Owners

Mr. F. G. Sundberg, Treasurer of the Evergreen Cemetery Association, upon examining the record book of the Association found in several instances the names of lot owners and locations of lots in the most inextricable confusion. For instance, he himself owns lot 59 in block 12, yet the record book gives him three lots, viz: Nos. 59, 61 and 63. The name of T. E. Smith appears with that of Mr. Sundberg as owner of lot 59, and lot 57, which Mr. Smith really owns, is represented as unsold. The name of Mr. Bohay also appears with that of Mr. Sundberg as owner of lot 63. This is merely an illustration of the present condition of the record book. In order if possible to correct all these inaccuracies, Mr. Sundberg requests that lot owners having receipts for deeds present them to him, and he will see that they are properly recorded.

Brainerd Tribune, 08 June 1889, P8 C4

Evergreen Cemetery Association

The annual meeting of the Evergreen Cemetery Association was held on Tuesday evening last, at the office of L. P. White, Sen. Two directors were chosen to succeed L. P. White and J. B. Douglas, whose terms had expired. Mr. White was re-elected and prof. J. A. Wilson succeeds Judge Douglas. The new Board elected officers as follows: President, L. P. White; Secretary, Prof. Wilson; Treasurer, F. G. Sundberg; Actuary, F. M. Barber. The new committees are: On Grounds, Robert Sturgeon and Prof. Wilson; Finance, L. P. White and C. M. Patek. The Board contemplates putting a picket fence around the cemetery, and also the erection of a building near the entrance for the accommodation of lot owners and visitors.

Brainerd Dispatch, 01 Nov. 1889, P4 C5

Local News.

C. N. Peterson, the wholesale and retail monument dealer, of Stillwater, Minn., is in the city this week, putting up a large number of fine marble and granite monuments, for which he received orders some time ago. Among them are some of the finest monuments ever brought to this city, and are a credit to the parties ordering them. They will add greatly to the appearance of Evergreen cemetery, which is rapidly becoming a beautiful and attractive place. The following named persons had granite monuments placed on their lots: Mrs. C. B. Sleeper [for C. B. Sleeper ], Mrs. W. A. Smith [for W. A. Smith ], Mrs. N. D. Root [for N. D. Root ] , Mr. T. F. Willis [for Child Willis ] and Col. C. L. Spaulding [for Arietta Spaulding ] . Marble monuments were also placed by Mr. Peterson on the lots of J. H. Hallett [for Ann Mary Hallett ], M. Hagberg [for Hulda Hagberg ], H. C. Craig [probably for his aunt, Mary Anne Means ] and Angus Brown [for Emma Florence Curry Brown and Florence Curry Brown ]. Mr. Peterson is still in the city, stopping at the Palace Hotel, where he can be seen by any person desiring to purchase anything in his line. He is proprietor of one of the most reliable houses in the state and can furnish you better work for less money than any other house in the Northwest.

Brainerd Dispatch, 16 May 1890, P4 C6

Evergreen Cemetery Association

The above named association held its annual meeting last Tuesday evening, and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows:

L. P. White, Sr., President.

J. A. Wilson, Secretary.

F. G. Sundberg, Treasurer.

John W. Martin and Dan Doran, Trustees.

J. W. Martin and J. A. Wilson, Committee on Grounds.

L. P. White and C. M. Patek, Finance Committee.

The committee on grounds was directed to select and recommend an actuary, to be elected at the next meeting, to be held on Tuesday next. The same committee was directed to furnish plans for the construction of a house for shelter on the grounds, also to prepare rules and regulations for the actuary.

The treasurer, F. G. Sundberg, made the following report for the past year:

Cash on hand May 1, 1889 $429.17
Received during the year 1,002.22
        Total $1,431.39
Expense of digging 126 graves $378.00
Expense of eight transfers 45.00
Repair of water pipes 80.97
Fence around the grounds 342.06
Grubbing and cleaning the lots
    and streets 80.87
Hauling cinders on the streets 80.00
Attorney's fee 16.00
Seats on the grounds 18.00
Miscellaneous expenses 7.28
Treasurer's salary one year 60.00
Cash on hand May 1, 1890 321.91
        Total $1,431.39

Brainerd Dispatch, 22 May 1891, P4 C4

The board of trustees of Evergreen Cemetery Association have elected the following officers: President—L. P. White; Secretary and Treasurer—C. M. Patek; Actuary—Sidney Hockridge; Trustees and Committee on Ground—Daniel Doran and J. Martin.

The charge for taking care of lots was fixed at $2.50, and half lots at $1.50

Brainerd Dispatch, 19 Aug 1892, P4 C3

Evergreen Cemetery Association is erecting a building at the grounds for the accommodation of the public.

Brainerd Dispatch, 10 May 1895, P4 C6

Cemetery Association Officers

Evergreen Cemetery Association held a meeting on Tuesday evening at which time the secretary was instructed to notify the county officials that hereafter the same charge will be made for interments by the county as are charged to other people. Officers were elected as follows:

President--L. P. White, Sr.

Secretary and treasurer--Chas. M. Patek.

Actuary--Sidney Hockridge.

Trustees--James Hayes, S. W. Martin, H. Spalding, A. Bertram, D. Doran, Chas. Barnett.

Committee on Grounds--S. W. Martin, A. Bertram, H. Spalding.

Committee on finance--S. W. Martin, James Hayes, D. Doran.

Brainerd Tribune, 07 May 1898, P8 C3

Evergreen Cemetery Association.

The annual meeting of the Evergreen Cemetery Association was held on Tuesday evening, 3d inst. The following officers were elected: L. P. White, sen., president; C. M. Patek, secretary and treasurer; committee on grounds—George Bertram, D. Doran, F. W. Dunlap; finance committee—D. Doran, F. W. Dunlap, James Hayes; trustees—Gustav Warner, Geo. Bertram, J. M. Hayes; actuary, Sidney Hockridge. Cutting trees on any part of the cemetery grounds will be prohibited in the future. It was decided to expend $150 in cleaning up the grounds and leveling them off with cinders.

Brainerd Dispatch, 28 Apr. 1899, P8 C2

A move has been started by the Evergreen Cemetery Association to supply the cemetery with sufficient water for use at the grounds. The expense will be something over $200 and as the association is not in a financial condition to furnish funds to cover the entire amount a subscription paper has been circulated among those who own lots at the cemetery and in all probabilities the shortage will be made up and the improvement will be put in. It is a move that all should be interested in and a small subscription from each lot owner will more than make up the amount. Water at the grounds is a necessity and heretofore the supply has not been sufficient to keep the lawn and plants in good condition. If the paper is presented to you, help it along.

Brainerd Dispatch, 19 May 1899, P1 C6



Evergreen Cemetery association was voted $50 to assist in putting in a water supply at the grounds.

Brainerd Dispatch, 12 Oct 1900, P8 C1

George W. Healey has lately received eight marble headstones from the U. S. Government, for soldier's graves. Seven will be placed in the Brainerd cemetery, and one goes to a grave out in the country.

Brainerd Dispatch, 10 May 1901, P10 C3

Annual Meeting.

The annual meeting of the Evergreen Cemetery Association was held Tuesday evening, May 7, when the following officers were elected:

President—L. P. White.

Sec. and Treas.—Chas. M. Patek.

Actuary—Sydney Hockridge.

Trustees for three years—Robert Sturgeon and Henry Spalding.

Committee on Grounds—Geo. Bertram, D. Doran and F. W. Dunlap.

Two blocks of the new ground will be surveyed in lots 20x20 feet, with avenues but no alleys.

All single graves in the front part of cemetery near the west gate will be leveled to the ground by the association, and the graves properly marked.

                CHAS. M. PATEK, Sec.

Brainerd Dispatch, 31 May 1901, P1 C3




Appropriate Decoration Day Exercises

Held in Brainerd by Pap

Thomas Post.


Thirteen Hundred School Children in

Line in the Parade.


Decoration Day was observed in this city in the time honored way, the exercises being under the direction of Pap Thomas Post.

The weather was all that could be wished for. The sun shone brightly but its warm rays were tempered by a delightfully cool and refreshing breeze that prevailed throughout the day.

The city was decorated somewhat, but not to the same extent as in past years. Flags everywhere flew at half mast, and some of the business places and private residences were draped with the national colors and flags.

In the morning the Post, preceded by a drum corps and a firing squad from Company F, followed by the ladies of the Relief Corps in carriages, and a group of school children in a decorated conveyance, marched to Evergreen cemetery, where the graves of their fallen comrades were decorated with flowers by the school children. Appropriate exercises were conducted before a large assemblage of people, who flocked to the beautiful burying grounds during the morning in crowds.

In the afternoon exercises were conducted in the Y. M. C. A. park on a platform temporarily built for the purpose. The exercises were preceded by a parade about town participated in by the fire department, Company F, the Post, and over thirteen hundred school children, each carrying a flag. It was a most inspiring sight to see the little tots march by proudly carrying the flag of our country. A lesson in patriotism is here taught that is worth many times the trouble, and it should be made a feature of each Decoration Day.

The platform at the park was occupied by the members of the Post and those taking part in the exercises. Mayor Halsted presided. The exercises were opened by a song by the school children, which was followed by a prayer by Rev. Clark. Mayor Halsted read a letter of regret from Comrade Joel Smith, who is confined to his home with rheumatism, at his inability to be present. Interesting and appropriate addresses were made by Judge W. A. Fleming and Rev. J. Roderick Mooney and Rev. A. H. Carver, which were listened to and generously applauded by an immense crowd of people. Judge Fleming, in his usually happy vein, paid a glowing tribute to the fallen heroes who gave their lives to their country and the cause of freedom. The other speakers were equally pleasing and held the attention of the crowd. The exercises were concluded with a song by the school children.

The following is a list of the fallen heroes at rest in Evergreen cemetery:


[NOTE: The names are linked to their entries on our military service page. No link means service details are unknown.]

Abear, Triffle, Co. I, 7th Minn. Inf.

Avery, R.

Bandy, John O.

Bellews, C. H.

Burns, J. T., 127th N. Y. Inf.

Bush, Stephen, Co. A, 16th N. Y. H. A.

Cheney, J. E., 50th N. Y. Inf.

Clark, David, 6th Maine Inf.

Claus, Jas., Co. F, 28th N. J. Inf.

Conant, John G., 21st Iowa Inf.

Craig, D. R., Co. E, 10th Pa. Res.

Davenport, Paul, Co. D, 1st Minn. M. R.

Dean, Wm., 1st Minn. H. A.

Douglas, Jas. F.

Dressen, Henry, 10th U. S. Inf.

Erath, Florian.

Etsel, Jacob, Co. G, 213 Pa. Inf.

Flugge, Edward, Co. F, 9th Minn. Inf.

French, Ed. R., Co. I, 5th Minn. Inf.

Fuller, Geo. E.

Harrington, Jerome B., Co. H, 10th Penn. Inf.

Heath, N. G., 3d Vt. Inf.

Kelly, Wm.

Kearney, Phillip.

Kramer, Frederick, Co. K, 1st Conn. H. A.

Leesey, Paul, Co. G, 9th Minn. Inf.

Loomis, Samuel.

Mantzer, Wm., Co. H, 12th W. Va. Inf.

Miller, Chas. F.

Monroe, Wm. E., Co. K, 1st N. Y. L. A.

Murphy, Patrick, Co. D, 169th N. Y. Inf.

Phillips, Chas. C., Co. F, 26th Conn. Inf.

Phillips, James O., 29th Ohio Inf.

Rardin, Samuel, Co. F, 27th Iowa Inf.

Rogers, Henry, Co. A, 9th Mich. Inf.

Rowell, George W.

Saunders, Hiram, 7th Minn. Inf.

Shannahan, Daniel, Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf.

Shattuck, Rodney P., Co. D, 2d Penn. Cav.

Shockley, David, Co. H. 1st O, Art.

Smith, Justin, 130th N. Y. Inf.

Spalding, Wm. P., 5th Vt. Inf.

Sleeper, C. B.

Sutton, Alva.

Titus, Wm., Co. H, 5th Wis. Bat.

Van Arsdale, W., Co. D, 38th N. J. Inf.

Wheeler, C. C., Co H. 3d N. Y. Cav.

Whitney, Geo. W., Co. E, 1st Me. Cav.

Wilson, Jos. E., Co. C, 72d Ill. Inf.

Reuss, Chas. A., Co. K, 3d Mo. Inf.

Barclay, Geo. A., Co. I, 9th Minn.

Robinson, D. M., Co. I, 1st Vt. Inf.

Martin, J. W., Co. E, 5th U. S. Art.

Cramer, Geo., Co. G, 2d N. Y. Cav.

Kelley, J. W., Co. K, 25th Wis. Inf.

Bradford, Walter R., Sailor, U. S. S. Mich.

Hundley, J. R., Co. A., 7th Ill. Inf.

Brnd. Daily Disp., 09 Dec 1902, P2 C3

Trustees Meeting.

Brainerd, Minn., Dec. 5, 1902.   A special meet of the trustees of the Evergreen Cemetery Association was held at the office of C. M. Patek this day and the following business pertaining to the receiving vault was transacted, and it was ordered to have the same printed in all the three city papers:

All bodies with the exception of those of contagious character are to be placed in the receiving vault from Dec. 1 until April 15th, no charges being made for holding such bodies; but charges for interment must be paid in advance as heretofore.

Three days notice shall be given to the proper relations of a body before interment.



Brnd. Daily Disp., 17 Apr 1903, P3 C5

Cemetery Notice.

Brainerd, Minn., April 16, 1903.   All bodies placed in vault on Evergreen cemetery will be interred commencing Monday April 20th. Friends of the deceased can apply to the sexton on the Cemetery grounds and make arrangements as to date and place of location.



Brnd. Daily Disp., 11 May 1907, P2 C3



Evergreen Cemetery Association members held their annual meeting Tuesday evening at the office of C. M. Patek and went through the usual routine business for the year. The receipts from all sources as shown by the books of the treasurer, were $1,963.50 and the disbursements were $2,104.96, leaving $968.19 on hand, as against a little more than $1,100 on hand at the beginning of the year just closed.

I. T. Dean, Mrs. Bertha Theviot and Mrs. Caroline Grandelmeyer were elected trustees for the full three years term, and J. A. Wilson, trustee to fill the unexpired term of Jay Batchelder, resigned. Officers were elected as Follows: Pres. J. T. Sanborn, secretary and treasurer, C. M. Patek. Actuary, Sidney Hockridge, committees on grounds and finance will be appointed later by President Sanborn. J. C. Congdon made an appeal for the donation of two lots for use of Pap Thomas Post, G. A. R., in which to bury deceased soldiers of the civil war who have no interest in the cemetery. On motion the request was granted, the committee on grounds and a delegation from the local post to select the lots, when they will be deeded to the G. A. R. for a nominal sum.

Brnd. Daily Disp., 21 Apr. 1922, P7 C3



To the Lot Owners of Evergreen

Cemetery Association:

Owing to the fact that there are many lot owners in Evergreen Cemetery that have neglected to pay for the care of their lots for the past season, and several for the past two or three seasons, the Committee in charge have decided and so ordered that no work whatever will be done on any lot that has charges against it, hereafter, until all charges are paid. And the committee on grounds have decided that all persons who desire to have their lots cared for, during the coming season, must list them with the Secretary, J. T. Sanborn, of the Probate Court, and pay for same in advance. No orders will be taken at the cemetery as heretofore.

The care of lots will be the same as last season, being full lots, $5.00 and half lots $3.00.

On or before the first day of May, 1922 a perpetual care contract will be issued for $100.00 and after May 1st, 1922, $150.00.

                Yours respectfully,

                            THE COMMITTEE