Thomas Post.
Line in the Parade.
Decoration Day was observed in this city in the time honored way, the exercises being under the direction of Pap Thomas Post.
The weather was all that could be wished for. The sun shone brightly but its warm rays were tempered by a delightfully cool and refreshing breeze that prevailed throughout the day.
The city was decorated somewhat, but not to the same extent as in past years. Flags everywhere flew at half mast, and some of the business places and private residences were draped with the national colors and flags.
In the morning the Post, preceded by a drum corps and a firing squad from Company F, followed by the ladies of the Relief Corps in carriages, and a group of school children in a decorated conveyance, marched to Evergreen cemetery, where the graves of their fallen comrades were decorated with flowers by the school children. Appropriate exercises were conducted before a large assemblage of people, who flocked to the beautiful burying grounds during the morning in crowds.
In the afternoon exercises were conducted in the Y. M. C. A. park on a platform temporarily built for the purpose. The exercises were preceded by a parade about town participated in by the fire department, Company F, the Post, and over thirteen hundred school children, each carrying a flag. It was a most inspiring sight to see the little tots march by proudly carrying the flag of our country. A lesson in patriotism is here taught that is worth many times the trouble, and it should be made a feature of each Decoration Day.
The platform at the park was occupied by the members of the Post and those taking part in the exercises. Mayor Halsted presided. The exercises were opened by a song by the school children, which was followed by a prayer by Rev. Clark. Mayor Halsted read a letter of regret from Comrade Joel Smith, who is confined to his home with rheumatism, at his inability to be present. Interesting and appropriate addresses were made by Judge W. A. Fleming and Rev. J. Roderick Mooney and Rev. A. H. Carver, which were listened to and generously applauded by an immense crowd of people. Judge Fleming, in his usually happy vein, paid a glowing tribute to the fallen heroes who gave their lives to their country and the cause of freedom. The other speakers were equally pleasing and held the attention of the crowd. The exercises were concluded with a song by the school children.
The following is a list of the fallen heroes at rest in Evergreen cemetery:
[NOTE: The names are linked to their entries on our military service page.
No link means service details are unknown.]
Abear, Triffle, Co. I, 7th Minn. Inf.
Avery, R.
Bandy, John O.
Bellews, C. H.
Burns, J. T., 127th N. Y. Inf.
Bush, Stephen, Co. A, 16th N. Y. H. A.
Cheney, J. E., 50th N. Y. Inf.
Clark, David, 6th Maine Inf.
Claus, Jas., Co. F, 28th N. J. Inf.
Conant, John G., 21st Iowa Inf.
Craig, D. R., Co. E, 10th Pa. Res.
Davenport, Paul, Co. D, 1st Minn. M. R.
Dean, Wm., 1st Minn. H. A.
Douglas, Jas. F.
Dressen, Henry, 10th U. S. Inf.
Erath, Florian.
Etsel, Jacob, Co. G, 213 Pa. Inf.
Flugge, Edward, Co. F, 9th Minn. Inf.
French, Ed. R., Co. I, 5th Minn. Inf.
Fuller, Geo. E.
Harrington, Jerome B., Co. H, 10th Penn. Inf.
Heath, N. G., 3d Vt. Inf.
Kelly, Wm.
Kearney, Phillip.
Kramer, Frederick, Co. K, 1st Conn. H. A.
Leesey, Paul, Co. G, 9th Minn. Inf.
Loomis, Samuel.
Mantzer, Wm., Co. H, 12th W. Va. Inf.
Miller, Chas. F.
Monroe, Wm. E., Co. K, 1st N. Y. L. A.
Murphy, Patrick, Co. D, 169th N. Y. Inf.
Phillips, Chas. C., Co. F, 26th Conn. Inf.
Phillips, James O., 29th Ohio Inf.
Rardin, Samuel, Co. F, 27th Iowa Inf.
Rogers, Henry, Co. A, 9th Mich. Inf.
Rowell, George W.
Saunders, Hiram, 7th Minn. Inf.
Shannahan, Daniel, Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf.
Shattuck, Rodney P., Co. D, 2d Penn. Cav.
Shockley, David, Co. H. 1st O, Art.
Smith, Justin, 130th N. Y. Inf.
Spalding, Wm. P., 5th Vt. Inf.
Sleeper, C. B.
Sutton, Alva.
Titus, Wm., Co. H, 5th Wis. Bat.
Van Arsdale, W., Co. D, 38th N. J. Inf.
Wheeler, C. C., Co H. 3d N. Y. Cav.
Whitney, Geo. W., Co. E, 1st Me. Cav.
Wilson, Jos. E., Co. C, 72d Ill. Inf.
Reuss, Chas. A., Co. K, 3d Mo. Inf.
Barclay, Geo. A., Co. I, 9th Minn.
Robinson, D. M., Co. I, 1st Vt. Inf.
Martin, J. W., Co. E, 5th U. S. Art.
Cramer, Geo., Co. G, 2d N. Y. Cav.
Kelley, J. W., Co. K, 25th Wis. Inf.
Bradford, Walter R., Sailor, U. S. S. Mich.
Hundley, J. R., Co. A., 7th Ill. Inf.