Directory of the Dead: Evergreen Block 25

Evergreen Cemetery Burials

Earliest Death Date :  04-14-1871
Memorial Gardens Burials

Latest Death Date :  01-08-2025

   Aa‑Am  |  An‑Az  |  Ba‑Be  |  Bf‑Bo  |  Bp‑Bz  |  Ca‑Ch  |  Ci‑Cz  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  Ga‑Gn  |  Go‑Gz  |  Ha‑Hd  |  He‑Hn  |  Ho‑Hz  |  I‑Jn  |  Jo‑Jz  |  Ka‑Kn  |  Ko‑Kz  |  La‑Lh  |  Li‑Lz  |  Ma‑Mb  |  Mc‑Mh  |  Mi‑Mz  |  N  |  O  |  Pa‑Pe  |  Pf‑Pz  |  Q‑Rn  |  Ro‑Rz  |  Sa‑Sg  |  Sh‑Ss  |  St‑Sz  |  T  |  U‑V  |  Wa‑Wh  |  Wi‑Wz  |  X‑Y‑Z

   None  |  Cremation Section  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  16  |  17  |  18  |  19  |  20  |  21  |  22  |  23  |  24  |  25  |  26  |  27  |  28  |  29  |  31  |  32  |  33  |  34  |  35  |  36  |  37  |  38  |  39  |  40  |  41  |  42  |  44  |  45  |  46  |  47  |  48  |  MG: Christus  |  MG: Devotion  |  MG: Paradise  |  MG: Columbaria
  • Blocks named Christus, Devotion, Paradise and Columbaria are sections of Memorial Gardens.
  • The Cremation Section in Evergreen has its own block numbers denoted by "CS-".
  • In Grouped by Surname pages, the lot number is linked into its Grouped by Block page.
  • In Grouped by Block pages, the name is linked into its Grouped by Surname page.
  • The icon is a link to the person's memorial at Find-A-Grave.
  • The icon is a link to the person's memorial at Find-A-Grave (with a photo of the grave).
  • The icon is a link to our U.S. Military Service Page entry for the deceased.

Block 25 in the Second Addition to Evergreen Cemetery can be found on this plat map. The Plat Maps page has more information.

Name of Person     Death Date     Age     Block     Lot     Section/Plot
Petersen, Grover   03-03-197782 yrs.2512 ft. West of Caroline
Peterson, Caroline  02-28-191859 yrs.251Center
Peterson, John  11-13-193684 yrs.251Center
Peterson, Emma  12-28-190524 yrs.251SEC
Peterson, Harry   02-22-197385 yrs.251SEC
Peterson, John  03-12-191834 yrs.2512nd grave SEC South side
Plummer, Reese S.  11-14-193159 yrs.251SWC
Plummer, Margaret (Peterson)  01-20-195367 yrs.2515 ft. SWC
Peterson, Nels Peter   08-17-197386 yrs.2515 ft. SEC - 2 ½ ft. West
Fenley, Nora A.  08-10-192151 yrs.252SEC N ½
Koller, Gertrude  07-12-193628 yrs.252NWC N ½
Fenley, M.E.'s child  10-24-1906?252NEC
Archer, Coit N.   06-25-190863 yrs.252S ½
Archer, George N.  01-02-1906?252S ½
Archer, Cora A. (Barrett)  01-28-190638 yrs.252SWC S ½
Erickson, Ole  03-01-190675 yrs.253
Barbeau, Francis E. "Joe"  08-17-195947 yrs.253NEC
Mattson, Eva Louisa  02-10-195877 yrs.253NWC
Erickson, Martha Marie  09-25-191688 yrs.2537 ft. SEC
Lund, Verner A.  10-14-195859 yrs.253NWC SW ¼
Nichols, Sigrid (Lund)  07-30-200499 yrs.253SWC SW ¼
Erickson, Charles  07-08-193977 yrs.253West center
Waite, Annie (Cunningham)  02-22-190721 yrs.254N ½
Waite, Parker  08-20-192562 yrs.254NEC N ½
Waite, Laura Amelia (Becker)  02-07-193567 yrs.254NWC N ½
Greenlaw, Mary Calphurna Turcotte  11-22-198292 yrs.254SWC N ½
Smith, Jessie  03-30-190750 yrs.254SWC S ½
Curler, Josephine (Wagy)  01-18-195284 yrs.254NEC SE ¼
Wagy, Harvey  01-18-195279 yrs.254NEC SE ¼
Mann, Delia (Woodward)  05-19-190676 yrs.255N ½
Mann, John W.   05-26-190169 yrs.255N ½
Nastum, Electa (Northrup)  02-12-191426 yrs.255SEC N ½
Clary, Susan E.  03-15-193280 yrs.255NWC N ½
Northrup, Joseph H.  03-30-192465 yrs.255SWC N ½
Caron, Elizabeth  09-12-192986 yrs.255East center SE ¼
Caron, E.J.C.  02-08-1906?255NEC SE ¼
Caron, Elie Bartholemy  02-08-191063 yrs.255SEC SE ¼
Nielsen, Ruperta "Bertha" (Klussman) (McDonald)  11-30-197179 yrs.255NWC SW ¼
McDonald, William  05-25-193556 yrs.255SWC SW ¼
Joile, Alex's Child  12-05-19053 mos.2553 ft. SWC
Beckley, Curtis  02-05-190810 mos.256N ½
Beckley, Violet E.  10-01-191614 yrs.256SEC N ½
Beckley, Cyrus  03-06-191462 yrs.256NWC N ½
Beckley, Lizzie (Elizabeth Hill)  06-29-192864 yrs.256SWC N ½
Beckley, Leon  05-07-19077 yrs.256NEC
Beckley, Warren & Mabel's Child  04-12-19294 da.256NEC
Herman, John T. "Johny"  06-07-19079 mos.256NEC S ½
Herman, Elizabeth G.  01-19-197194 yrs.256NWC S ½
Herman, John H.  12-30-195686 yrs.256SWC S ½
Barker, Allen F.  09-19-190834 yrs.257N ½
Barker, Thomas   04-04-191067 yrs.257N ½
Smith, H.E.'s child  12-17-1907-0-257N ½
Dahl, Elmer Ester's child  05-05-1917-0-257Center S ½
Anderson, Annie M.  12-04-195070 yrs.257NEC S ½
Anderson, Frank A.  02-07-194775 yrs.257SEC S ½
Johnson, Hildegarde  07-07-19122 mos.257NWC S ½
Anderson, Herbert William  08-16-190615 mos.257SWC
Stark, Annie J. (Marksted)  02-14-191023 yrs.258N ½
Stark, Grant  06-21-19071 yrs.258N ½
Raihl, Ada  06-08-19074 yrs.258NEC S ½
Abbott, Nelson  10-26-195277 yrs.259NEC N ½
LeMire, Margaret (Abbott)  03-07-201297 yrs.259NEC N ½
Greenwall, John William  09-16-194982 yrs.259SEC N ½
Abbott, Grace  06-25-197179 yrs.259NWC N ½
Mattson, Nestor John  07-09-195279 yrs.259SWC N ½
Cowgill, Anna (Charlton)  06-04-194978 yrs.259SEC
Lawrence, Alice  02-06-190253 yrs.259SEC
Skinner, Rosella  09-03-19073½ yrs.2510NWC
Holst, Mabel  07-09-190715 yrs.2510S ½
Karlson, Adolph & Silvie's child  10-08-1929-0-2510SEC S ½
Karlson, Larry  02-03-19341 da.25101 ft. SEC S ½
Hartfiel, Elizabeth A. Holst (Jordon)  01-04-196281 yrs.2510NWC S ½
Holst, Charles F.  09-29-193362 yrs.2510SWC S ½
Chartier, Clarice  11-14-19093 yrs.2511NEC
Topp, Ancho Mrs.  10-09-190974 yrs.25114 ½ ft. NEC
Verkennes, Albert  10-25-19095 mos.2511NWC
Showalter, R.R.'s Child  06-22-1909-0-25115 ft. NWC
Mack, John  08-01-190935 yrs.2511SEC
Marinich, Marko  09-26-190921 yrs.25117 ft. SEC
Lakoski, Casper  10-02-190925 yrs.251111 ½ ft. SEC
Lauermann, Marie (Victoria)  05-20-190961 yrs.25113 ft. SWC
Houle, Napoleon Harry  06-02-19095 yrs.25116 ft. SWC
Gallagher, James  11-25-190935 yrs.251111 ft. SWC
Pappenfus, Clarence & Barbara's Child  05-26-1937-0-2512
Floden, Kari (Lars & Theo's Child)  02-05-1909-0-2512NEC
Boggonstas, Robert & Agnes's Child  04-14-1910-0-25124 ft. NEC
Deakes, Theodore & Hannah's Child  03-26-1909-0-25124 ft. NEC
Hagblom, Charles & Susie's child  01-19-1910-0-25124 ft. & 6 ft. West of NEC
Vigilante, Francisco  05-14-190965 yrs.25128 ft. NEC
Olson, Simon  12-18-190827 yrs.2512NWC
Lundgren, Maud  03-20-190947 yrs.25128 ft. NWC
Musselman, John  04-13-190956 yrs.2512SEC
Jones, E.E.  03-17-190912 yrs.25127 ft. SEC
Verkennes, Irene (John's Child)  02-26-191515 mos.2512SWC
Verkennes, Lottie (Deschane)  02-26-191526 yrs.2512SWC
Krueger, William  04-05-190934 yrs.25128 ft. SWC
Griffin, Edward  10-19-190927 yrs.2513SEC
Sundine, Hans  10-29-190935 yrs.25135 ½ ft. SEC
O'Neil, Constantine  10-14-190945 yrs.2513SWC
Goedderz, Mike & Florence's Child  11-28-1924-0-2514
Mild, Emil  05-03-191017 yrs.2514NEC
Coenen, Annie  02-10-191044 yrs.25147 ft. NEC
Howe, John & Grinola's Child  05-25-1910-0-2514NWC
Schina, Mike  05-02-190918 yrs.2514SEC
Feiro, August  02-01-191074 yrs.25146 ½ ft. SEC
Frost, Peter & Anna's Child Boy  06-02-1909-0-2514SWC
Remmels, Margaret  12-14-19093 yrs.25145 ft. SWC
Schley, John & Bertha's Child  02-22-19103 da.25156 ft. NEC
Anderson, Doris Vivian  02-20-19106 mos.25159 ft. NEC
Parker, William  04-03-19104 mos.25159 ft. South & 5 ft. West fr. NEC
Lund, Walter  05-01-19103 yrs.2515NWC
Krause, Henry & May C.'s child  08-09-1916-0-25155 ft. NWC
Olson, W.'s Child  01-07-1910-0-25155 ft. NWC
Berggren, Isaac & Gertie's Child  04-19-191018 da.25156 ft. South & 6 ft. East fr. NWC
Kobel, John & Louise's Child  02-15-19139 mos.25158 ft. South & 6 ft. East fr. NWC
Sundberg, John Jr.  05-06-191015 yrs.2516SEC
Bolander, William  12-27-190965 yrs.2517NEC
Benedict, Leland  05-21-191020 yrs.2517NWC
Dobson, Carl Vernon  06-01-19105 mos.25177 ft. NWC
Sandango, John  03-28-191063 yrs.2517SEC
Davis, Charles F.'s child  06-08-1910-0-25175 ft. SEC
Jurvakainen, Margaret "Rita"  02-09-191044 yrs.25177 ft. SEC
Swanson, John Edward  05-10-191019 yrs.2517SWC
Favrou, L.A. & May's Child  05-18-1910-0-25176 ft. SWC (or SWC)
Gunderson, Charles T.  05-12-191059 yrs.251710 ft. SWC
Tomporowski, Grace Rose  10-09-19166 mos.25181st row, 1st grave (SEC)
Doepke, Verne  04-16-19174 mos.25181st row, 2nd grave
Snell, Laura  04-14-19173 mos.25181st row, 3rd grave
Lasher, Dorothy  06-08-19178 mos.25181st row, 4th grave
Nylund, Donald  04-23-19182 mos.25181st row, 5th grave
Stanley, Emil L.  08-08-19182 yrs.25181st row, 6th grave
Maley, Marquerite  08-31-19186 mos.25181st row, 7th grave
Helm, William & Florence's Child  08-05-1919-0-25181st row, 8th grave
Glandon, Eugene  03-25-19202½ mos.25181st row, 9th grave
Brecht, Child  04-09-1920-0-25181st row, 10th grave
Noakes, Donald  05-30-192021 da.25181st row, 11th grave
Marchel, Leona  01-25-192125 da.25181st row, 12th grave
Warnberg, Roy & Helen's Child  07-09-1921-0-25181st row, 13th grave
Johnson, George & Edna's Child  07-11-19214 hrs.25181st row, 14th grave
Kuhrt, Jack A.  01-13-192214 da.25181st row, 15th grave
Hurley, Charles  03-11-192215 da.25181st row, 16th grave
Lang, Peter & Susie's Child  07-17-1922?25181st row, 17th grave
Stanley, Robert A. (Cromwell & Verna's child)  01-12-19243 da.25181st row, 17th grave
Spath, Albert & Clora's Child  03-16-1925-0-25181st row, 18th grave
Kampmann, George & Marjorie's Child  09-06-1924-0-25181st row, 20th grave
Glynn, Rita Marie  05-16-192513 da.25181st row, 21st grave
Kampmann, Marjorie  04-16-19295 da.25181st row, 21st grave
Hackett, Fayette & Helen's child  05-28-1929-0-25181st row, 22nd grave
Englund, Albert & Sofa's Child  04-09-1930-0-25181st row, 23rd grave
Cibuzar, Charles & Theresa's child  07-17-1931-0-25181st row, 24th grave
Grinager, Laura May  09-09-19312 mos.25181st row, 25th grave
Root, Albert & Vinnie's Child  06-06-1933-0-25181st row, 26th grave
Seward, Avis or Eunise Regina  06-22-193415 mos.25181st row, 27th grave
Fox, Frances Eugene  10-25-19344 mos.25181st row, 28th grave
Noakes, Alfred & Anna's Child  10-21-1916-0-25182nd row, 1st grave
Doepke, John & Lizzie's Child  03-02-1917-0-25182nd row, 2nd grave
Hren, Joseph & Trica's Child  01-19-1917-0-25182nd row, 3rd grave
Carroll, Howard Robert  08-12-19177 mos.25182nd row, 4th grave
Campbell, Bernice  03-15-1918-0-25182nd row, 5th grave
Campbell, George & Carrie's Child  07-10-1914-0-25182nd row, 6th grave
Magnan, Michael J.  04-15-19238 mos.25182nd row, 6th grave
Flannigan, Constance May  09-25-19185 mos.25182nd row, 7th grave
Halstad, Child  06-26-19191 da.25182nd row, 8th grave
Pettit, Roy  01-00-1920-0-25182nd row, 10th grave
Mageli, Olaf & Jennie's Child  06-17-1920-0-25182nd row, 11th grave
Strasburg, Cynthia  01-18-19217 mos.25182nd row, 12th grave
Thompson, Elmer & Osca's Child  08-06-1921-0-25182nd row, 14th grave
Rosenlund, Louis & Hulda's Child  01-21-1922-0-25182nd row, 15th grave
Strasburg, Fred & Vida's Child  05-15-1922-0-25182nd row, 16th grave
Knutsen, Hans & Helga's (Jacobson) Child  01-10-1924-0-25182nd row, 17th grave
Swindell, Charles & Myra's Child  08-23-19221 da.25182nd row, 17th grave
Raines, Harvey  07-17-19252 da.25182nd row, 18th grave
Davis, Ruby  09-07-19243½ mos.25182nd row, 20th grave
Jokela, Child  05-02-1929-0-25182nd row, 21st grave
Jensen, George & Elsie's Child  03-26-1930-0-25182nd row, 23rd grave
Gibson, Oliver & Esther's Child  05-13-19312 da.25182nd row, 24th grave
Beauchaine, Arthur & Esther's Child  10-14-1931-0-25182nd row, 25th grave
Driver, Edgar & Bernice's Child (one of twins)  06-28-1933-0-25182nd row, 26th grave
Driver, Marvel B. (one of twins)  10-09-19333 mos.25182nd row, 27th grave
Youritzek, Martha  12-10-19164 mos.25183rd row, 1st grave
Gillett, Robert  02-11-19171 mo.25183rd row, 2nd grave
Rossina, Francis Edward  03-15-1917-0-25183rd row, 3rd grave
Abbott, Everett & Dora's Child Boy  09-16-1917-0-25183rd row, 4th grave
Brecht, Joe's Child  05-30-1918-0-25183rd row, 6th grave
LeDoux, Phillip (Nels & Jozealia's Child )  10-20-1918-0-25183rd row, 7th grave
Nylund, Albert & Elsie's Child  05-27-19198 wks.25183rd row, 8th grave
Dougherty, Edward  10-06-19196 wks.25183rd row, 9th grave
Honeyager, Walter & Susie's child  05-01-1920-0-25183rd row, 10th grave
Lauer, Theo & Joselyne's Child  08-09-1920-0-25183rd row, 11th ½ grave
Zettervall, B. Gustaf {Memorial Marker, only}  06-05-196669 yrs.25183rd row, 11th grave
Zettervall, Victor (Bror Gustav & Carrie's Child)  06-29-1920-0-25183rd row, 11th grave
Hanson, Thomas's Child  11-26-1920-0-25183rd row, 12th grave
Blanchard, Clayton (Twin of Clinton)  02-12-1921-0-25183rd row, 13th grave North side of
Blanchard, Clinton (Twin of Clayton)  02-12-1921-0-25183rd row, 13th grave North side of
DeChaine, Fred & Nora's Child  06-03-1921-0-25183rd row, 13th grave South side of
Englund, Albert & Sophie's Child  09-29-1921-0-25183rd row, 14th grave
Fisher, Arthur S. & Marie's Child  04-17-1922-0-25183rd row, 15th grave
Louis, Charles W.  05-23-1922-0-25183rd row, 16th grave
Basso, Betty Jean  11-13-19222 mos.25183rd row, 17th grave
Pisczar, Walter  12-08-19235 mos.25183rd row, 17th grave
Hoag, Walter E.  05-28-19244 da.25183rd row, 19th grave
Langdon, Gerdon Edward  11-05-19246 mos.25183rd row, 20th grave
Carlson, Herbert & Lavina's Child  05-24-1929-0-25183rd row, 22nd grave
Bierhaus, Barbara  03-24-19305 min.25183rd row, 23rd grave
Simonson, Osmund & Caroline's child  05-01-1931-0-25183rd row, 24th grave
Abrahamson, William & Tillie's Child  11-17-1931-0-25183rd row, 25th grave
Hickerson, Lester & Norma's Child  08-01-193445 min.25183rd row, 27th grave
Brown, Henry Lester  01-17-19377 wks.25183rd row, 28th grave
Calhoun, Jack Erving  08-28-19353 mos.25183rd row, 28th grave
Hodgson, Ralph Arnold  02-06-19171 wks.25184th row, 1st grave
Arnold, Dorothy  04-22-19174 mos.25184th row, 2nd grave
Haas, Joseph & Kittie's Child  07-08-1917-0-25184th row, 3rd grave
Henning, Rose  09-25-191711 mos.25184th row, 4th grave
Vaughn, Rachel Ellen  04-25-19183 mos.25184th row, 6th grave
Wilkins, James's Child  10-21-1918-0-25184th row, 7th grave
Lachot, Joseph & Nettie's Child  03-14-1919-0-25184th row, 8th grave
Anderson, John P. & Christine's Child  09-07-1919-0-25184th row, 9th grave - Foot end
Brunell or Burnell, Anthony & Edna's Child  10-02-1919-0-25184th row, 9th grave - Head end
Hanson, Hjalmer's Child  02-07-1930-0-25184th row, 10th grave
Risberg, Oscar & Violet's Child  08-24-1920-0-25184th row, 11th grave
Borden, Phyllis H.  10-20-19208 da.25184th row, 12th grave
Tremain, Child  10-04-1920-0-25184th row, 12th grave
Harris, Henry & Carrie's Child  02-12-1921-0-25184th row, 13th grave
Riley, Child  11-22-19211 da.25184th row, 14th grave
Hall, William S. & Anna's Child  02-24-192224 hrs.25184th row, 15th grave
Knutsen, Hans & Helga's (Jacobson) Child  06-01-1922-0-25184th row, 16th grave
Swindell, James A.  11-23-19231 da.25184th row, 16th grave
Furra, Martha  01-08-192335 hrs.25184th row, 17th grave
Nylund, Vernon  10-02-19232 yrs.25184th row, 17th grave
Haugene, Child  11-24-192510 hrs.25184th row, 20th grave
Wade, Neva Joyce  12-09-19261 mo.25184th row, 21st grave
Murphy, Donald & Maude's Infant Triplet # 3  05-03-19303 hrs.25184th row, 23rd grave
Murphy, Philip  03-03-19303 hrs.25184th row, 23rd grave
Johnson, Fritz & Mabel's Child  04-01-1931-0-25184th row, 24th grave
Schubel, Henry & Claire's Child  12-04-1931-0-25184th row, 25th grave
Clevenger, William D.  08-07-19335 wks.25184th row, 26th grave
Graham, James  02-25-19171 mo.25185th row, 1st grave
Nordstrom, Martha Marie  01-09-19171 yr.25185th row, 2nd grave
Erickson, Sylvia  06-20-19251 yr.25185th row, 3rd grave
Nelson, Andrew & Hanna's Child  08-13-19171 da.25185th row, 3rd grave
Jenkins, Roland & Harriett's Child  11-24-1917-0-25185th row, 4th grave
Wallin, Constance  01-03-19184 mos.25185th row, 5th grave
Lachot, L.E. (Joseph & Nettie's Child)  04-10-1918-0-25185th row, 6th grave
Alberg, Emil & Clara's Child  10-30-1918-0-25185th row, 7th grave
Meyer, Jos. & Nora's Child  09-22-1928-0-25185th row, 7th grave
Craig, Gordon L.  11-28-19184 da.25185th row, 8th grave
Smith, Harry & Lela's Child  08-06-1919-0-25185th row, 9th grave
Trettel, W.F.'s Child  02-07-19204 mos.25185th row, 10th grave
Langdon, William & Bessie's Child  08-27-1920-0-25185th row, 11th grave
Lachot, Joseph & Nettie's Child  09-01-1920-0-25185th row, 12th grave
Larson, Carol  01-26-19214 da.25185th row, 13th grave
Bolin, Child  12-15-1921-0-25185th row, 14th grave
Skiba, Leo & Christine's child  05-08-19225 hrs.25185th row, 15th grave
Johnson, Hjalmar's Child  08-08-1922-0-25185th row, 16th grave
Sincock, Fred & May's child  02-04-1923-0-25185th row, 17th grave
Haselhorst, Kurt & Josephine's Child  06-11-1924-0-25185th row, 19th grave
Cain, Warner & Etta's Child  12-19-1924-0-25185th row, 20th grave
Rancour, Lawrence & Melinda's Child  05-08-1928-0-25185th row, 21st grave
Hoeft, Warren  07-17-192921 da.25185th row, 22nd grave
Stevens, Frank & Gladys' Child  04-08-1930-0-25185th row, 23rd grave
Rancour, Chester Lawrence  10-02-19301 yr.25185th row, 24th grave
Anderson, Gladys R.  06-03-19325 da.25185th row, 25th grave
Anderson, Anthony  03-22-1923-0-25186th row, 1st grave
Hempstead, Frederick & Velma's Child  10-07-1936-0-25186th row, 3rd grave
Johnson, Lillian M.  11-04-19183 yrs.25186th row, 3rd grave
Westin, Emil C.  11-27-19184 yrs.25186th row, 4th grave
Berignot, John  05-22-19241 mo.25186th row, 5th grave
Lunde, Marion  08-01-19193 yrs.25186th row, 6th grave
Murray, Florence or Lawrence  11-03-19173 yrs.25186th row, 7th grave
Vidich, Joe  06-12-19203 yrs.25186th row, 7th grave
Dahlson, Ralph E.  02-17-19202 yrs.25186th row, 8th grave
Stumvold, Lorraine or Forgine  09-26-19205 yrs.25186th row, 9th grave
Cunningham, Mildred Vivian  12-12-19203 yrs.25186th row, 10th grave
Austin, Allison Lee  07-01-19219 mos.25186th row, 11th grave
Lind, Laila  01-26-19224 mos.25186th row, 12th grave
Wade, Eva M.  12-06-19221 mo.25186th row, 12th grave
Ruhl, Bernard J.  12-08-19221 mo.25186th row, 13th grave
Skiba, Leo & Christine's child  05-07-1923-0-25186th row, 14th grave
Whitlock, Russell & Mildred's Child  06-10-1923-0-25186th row, 15th grave
Johns, Anton & Frances's Child  08-13-1923-0-25186th row, 16th grave
Bomgait, Guy  09-08-19232 yrs.25186th row, 17th grave
Cook, Theo & Effie's Child  09-11-1923-0-25186th row, 18th grave
Simmonds, Ardith  09-07-19276 wks.25186th row, 20th grave
Johnson, Priscilla J.  10-27-19287 mos.25186th row, 21st grave
Gibson, Norman & Gerrel's Child  02-21-19303 da.25186th row, 22nd grave
Gibson, Oliver & Esther's child  03-04-193011 hrs.25186th row, 23rd grave
Werner, Carleton & Rowena's Child  05-21-1927-0-25184 ft. fr. NEC
Honeyager, Mary  01-02-19231 da.25205 graves fr. Center